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Let Not My Country Die


In 1986, Credo Mutwa had a vision, a prophecy, that South Africa would collapse and force the nation into chaos, crime, starvation, rape, disease, mass-murder, barbarism, and more. He was right. He was a true Prophet. His visions and proclamations have evolved into a devastating reality–for his country, his continent . . . and the world.

Mr. Mutwa wrote this book as a message calling on us to try and explore the path of peace rather than the way of violence; and of confrontation of the people that appear to have chosen. He also attempted to show the world what lies behind the violence that is dementing and destroying his country. Apartheid ended more than 25 years ago, but life for South Africans is worse now than it was in all the apartheid years, and even going back to cave-people days.

“There are very few countries upon the vastness of the African continent about which so much has been thought, spoken, and written about South Africa,” said Mr. Mutwa. “There are very few countries in Africa, if not in the whole world, about which so much that is bizarre, amusing, nonsensical, and lurid has been poured out of the news media of both the West and the Communist Bloc than my country. There are few countries on earth about which so much is known and has been revealed, yet so much remains unknown.

But time to heal is about to expire. South Africa is now on the verge of destroying humanity.

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Additional information


Credo Mutwa, Joseph Shapiro


United Publishers International

Year of Publishing


Number of pages





Paper Book